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COVID-19 HeroBands

The days are changing FAST! We put a hold on our SS20 Collection to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and limited our postal days to 1-day a week. But all this was wanting us to do MORE. 

We've had a huge box of scrap fabric from our scrunchies that had been sitting in the office for months! It was getting to the point where we had no idea what to do with it! Until now. 

My cousin is a nurse so I sent her the photo and she said she could totally use them as her ears have been hurting from the masks. We came across a pattern, tweaked it to be our own, tested it on some amazing local nurses and got to sewing!

The purpose of the headbands are to relieve some of the pressure off their ears while they wear the masks all day. During this time, obviously with stores closed and limited resources, I reached out to the community for buttons and I've been sewing ever since!

We are sharing our pattern here because every nurse deserves to have one (even if all it does is make them a bit more comfortable during their day!) and well as much as we wish there was a bazillion hours in a day, it takes a village and WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

We encourage you to use this pattern and make some for some of the nurses you know in your life or for your local hospital. All we ask is that you pay it forward and do it out of the kindness of your heart and NOT for profit. 

Everyday this goes on, nurses and first responders are risking their lives for us. Many days, they do it without any thanks or credit. So please do not take this pattern and charge them. Gift it. Pay it forward. Thank them. 



•Jersey Fabric (we used Organic Bamboo Cotton Jersey Stretch- 66% Rayon From Bamboo, 28% Cotton, 6% Spandex)

• 1/2in elastic

• scissors

• thread

• sewing machine or serger

• 2 buttons of your choice 



Fabric Piece 1: 10 1/2in x 2in

Fabric Piece 2:  13 1/2in x 6 1/4in 

Elastic: 5 inches



Take fabric piece #1 and face right sides together making a long narrow rectangle. Sew/Serge along edge creating a tube. 

Turn tube inside out. 

Take elastic and feed in through tube. 

Sew/Serge each end of tube and elastic together. Make sure to position the elastic in the middle of the tube. You have now created your "scrunch."

Take fabric piece #2 and place in right side up on the table. Take scrunch and place one of the serged edges on the middle edge of fabric piece #2 right sides together. (We found it easiest to move the scrunch fabric out of the way so that it was smooth when sewing) 

Take the bottom side and fold it completely over the scrunch (tightly). Accordian it back overtop of the scrunch. Do the same for the top corner. Serge.

Repeat to the other side.

Turn headband inside out and you've now created your headband!

Sew two buttons on either side of the scrunchie approx 1/2inch in. 

And BAM you're done! 

Check out our Instagram (@shophavenohlee) highlights under COVID19 for a video tutorial

These bands are meant to sit on top of the ear or behind it depending on your comfort level. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to us! We'd be happy to help. Again please do not sell these for a profit. We are sharing for the purpose of giving back to our nurses/doctors and first responders for all they are doing during this stressful time and the last thing we want is for someone to take advantage and make a pretty little penny off of them. This is not the point. 

Also, if you use our pattern please tag us in your creations so we can see what you're up to! It would seriously make our day! 



😭ORDERS ARE CURRENTLY MAXED😭If you are a nurse/first responder and would like one of these headbands we would love to gift one to you! Please send us an email or DM on our instagram (@shophavenohlee) and we would love to send you one. (1 per person. Limited supply.)

Stay Home + Stay Safe!

Xo. Meghan + Amanda 



All photos are taken by us and kindly edited by @juliechristinaphotography


  • Thank you for sharing this. I have been busy making masks, but getting more requests for headbands for healthcare workers. Definitwly not charging them, having a ball actually using my knit prints i stead of just looking longingly at them. I am usually too busy doing alterations, so am enjoying playing with all my fabric!!!

    Sandra Garnet
  • I don’t have Instagram so I don’t quite understand where to position scrunchie on the fabric. Do you mean pin it at mid point & then pleat the fabric to match width of scrunchie & sew sides up. My daughter works at JPCH & would love some. Thx

    Lorraine Denis
  • I would be able to sew some bands for you. What is the best fabric? Something stretchy? Or cotton? Also where do I drop them off?

  • I’m a seamstress and what you ladies are doing is awesome . My niece is a nurse and I hope to make a bunch of these. Thanks for pattern. Since I’m in quarantine and fabric stores are closed. Can I use doddle fabric? It’s a little stretchy. Thank you again!!God bless you both . Stay well.😷🇺🇸

  • Fabulous idea will definitely pay it forward

    Rita Bazinet

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